Monday 25 October 2010

Kingdom of Cambodia

Sihanouk Ville

Sihanouk Ville is located on the coast of Cambodia, about halfway between Thailand and Vietnam. It's locally know as Kampong Som. There are a lot of tourists to visit there. And there are also a lot of hotels, restaurants, beaches and resorts.

- Beach

In Cambodia, Sihanouk Ville is also best the place to visit. There are a lot of beaches. Foreigners said that Sihanouk Ville beaches was the best beach in the world like Ocheteaul, Hawaii, Independence, Sokha and another beaches. You can enjoy swimming, take a pictures of the beautiful views with the fresh air, fishing, snorkeling, scuba diving and if you want to have a picnic you can take trips to the islands and relax with the natural around you. And there are a lot of islands like Koh Rung, Koh Ta Kiev, Koh Thmei and another beautiful islands.

- Seafood

In Sihanouk Ville, seafood is also the best one on the world. If you come from another countries the guides will tell you that you should try our seafood like crabs, oysters, lobsters and octopuses. About crab we can fry it with Kampot pepper or steam it, lobsters we also can steam it and octopuses we can roast it with the Koh Kong sauce and it is really great.

If you have any comments and feed back you can comment on my blog.

Post by Ritthisak (Richard)

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