My last time in here,Iwould like to thanks to all of you,that always leave some comments with my post,to correct my mistakes,and improve my knowledge with all your feedback! thanks you.... I wish all of u meet all the best things in life... " Always smile lucky will come by itself " :D

Saturday, 4 December 2010
My last time in Blog!
My last time in here,Iwould like to thanks to all of you,that always leave some comments with my post,to correct my mistakes,and improve my knowledge with all your feedback! thanks you.... I wish all of u meet all the best things in life... " Always smile lucky will come by itself " :D
Traveling around the world (Korea)
Nowaday, people have known Korea and Korean as well cause of their pop stars and Pop musics have famous abroad,to many countries all over the world,and many stars from Korean,are also had the name in the hollywood stars list!! I'm so proud that Asian artists got the names in Hollywood! Seoul i the biggest country of Korea,that now many foreigner go there,cause of the song "Seoul" by Super junior ft. Girl generation ,and the song "Fly to Seoul"by 2PM,this boy band group is so famous in Korea,also all countries,that it advertises in Channel[V] till now is still! While i was shopping in the mall,I have wished that whatif i could meet Korean star??? I would take some photos with them,but immediately,It was not!!!!! =( How fabulous is Korea??? Yeah...The neon lights of Seoul are make me such i'm ataying the paradise!! Many people fell in love with Korean stars,not only Asian people,ut also western people,and Europe also! Economic of Korean is increasing within their tourism...
Yoyoyo...I want to stay here forever,I don't want to leave! Anyone want to fly to Seoul??? yeah...come on..
Traveling around the world (Singapore)
This country is none of agriculture,and none of provinces,just have one and only city is Singapore,that's the name of the coutry. Majority of people use English as their daily living language,In here,there are many high buildings and high ways also! The place that most attract passengers is "Sentosa'',It's a place that we enjoy in visiting,and playing there. I was so really happy,and i have stayed ther for all day long. And then I started to travel to another place,especially,I really like shopping,but thinges at there were so really expensive as the gold!
I thought that this country got nothing special that's why i just can tell all you some parts of this country,but i really love the ways of people live in this country! I want to live at there,because It's my hometown....
Traveling in around the world ( China )
And just now,I'm staying in China,most of people are want to go to "Macau" that's the biggest casino in China,anyway it's also the five star hotel,only rich people could stay there,and visit there. And Hong kong is near "Shanghai" that people use Chinese(Katang) as their living lanuage,everything at there were so expensive and modern. Disney land is the only place that could attract my heart,cause of many people have made up,and dressed up as the princess,and cartoons in Disney walt! If we could spend a full day at there,we could have much fun,and enjoy in visiting,and taking photos,and we have known there as well. I stayed there till the firework worked at ther night,everyone screamed out,cause of the nice fireworks in the beautiful wide night sky. After I slept at Hong Kong for a night,next day i had went to visit " The great wall" ,yeah...that was so amazing,i had walked all morning long,but i couldn't reach the end part of it,how long was it??? Cool....
I really enjoy in traveling here!! I wish i can come here for the next holiday.....
Friday, 3 December 2010
The Year In 2050

In 2050, my dream is to open a play ground call "The Most Excited Play Ground". There will be alot of thing to play inside the play ground but there will be 2 thing that are going to be the most excited to play is The Roller Coaster and The Haunted House!!
My Favorite and Myself

Life In 2050 By DANAY
Now we are in 2010 but what happen in 2050?I thinks that These point below will be happen in 2050
-It will be have medicine that make people clever.
-The life medicine.
-Easy to eat like sweet.
-Make the animal could speak.
-People will be talk on phone with robots and make friend.
-Robots will be sing a song with people.
.War and Peace
-People will be travel by USO for go to another planet for fighting war coz they want to take the another planet for people in our country to live.
-Our house or flat will be moved to other place that safe.
-robots will be fighting war instat of people.
.World Population
-In 2050 will be more people in the world that make the world heavy.
-It will be distroy our Ozone layer.
-Foods will be strang and delicious .
-Some people will be die because in the foods full of chemi.
-Rich People will be happy.
-The robots work instat of rich people,But it isn't easy for poor people.
-It will be take somethig to country side by plant in 3 minute.
-It will be fly around the world in 4 hours!
.Other Topic
What do you thing about this point?
Snow flower
Merry Christmas by visal in ENGLAND
I think in Cambodia is happy too. Because last year we were very happy to give the present to our friends and go for a walk around Cambodia. I hope the people who study in ACE are happy. May god help them have a good health.
Shopping in OLMPICH Market in Cambodia by Danay
But now I want to tell you about OLAMPICH market that full of anythings,The best is clothes.
It bigger than Toul Tom Pong market and have a lot of anythings to buy,cheap and seller are frien
The ground floor there are a lot of something like: Shoes,Bag,Baby Clothes,Toys Shop,Pillow Shop,Book Shop,Game Center,CD DVD Shop,....and anything that you need to use everyday!
The most things in the first floor are Make-Up,Cosmetic and The clothes for old person(The middle of age)The Jewelry are very beautiful and have many style for choose.
Coat,Boot,Bag that have famous
The second floor is full of the teenager clothes,Shoes,Bow for girl,Make-up that import from another Country.The clothes for girl are very beautiful,cute and cheap,Many style for choose and not expensive that import from Thailand HongKong some from china.Sport Shoes are produce from Korea that have a lot of new style for complete the costumer's demand.
7 or8 day ago the seller go to get the new style from another country for selling.
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Sports By visal
But the sport that we think about are football, boxing, and bike racing. There are very important sport for your health. Football can help your calf muscle to strong. This is very popular every country play football all. Because it very happy to play it. In Europe if you play football good you will become the famous football player in the world. In Europe football is like a job for you also because when you are a famous people every team will buy you to play in their team by the expensive cost.
And boxing is sport use a lot of military muscle because there are two people are fighting. Boxing is the hard sport it use a lot of military muscle and it can make to fall down in a faint if you not carefully about your fighting. So yo
The last sport did I want to tell you is bike racing. This sport can help you calf muscle to strong. This sport is not very important because you just ride a bicycle that every body in world can do it all.
But the very important sport that I like is football I like football very much. I play football every Sunday in Takhmao town. And I like watch it too. If I was good football like C. Ronaldo I will help my country to help the world cup winner.
Pop stars that I like
The singers is also the pop stars. they had a lot of time on the concert. And they sing on the concert with a lot of people to watch them. If you are a singer you can earn a lot of money for your life. A singer that I like is Michael Jackson. I love Michael Jackson very much because he has a beautiful voice and he is a good dancer. Every thing that people can not do Michael Jackson can do like, like singer use the girl voice and dance. He lives in United States. He had a lot of time on the concert. And on his concert every body love him very much. He is a rich man like a Prime Minister. On his T-shirt or Trousers he use the gold or diamond. Before this man lived in africa and he had a black skin like african but when he became the singer he hate his skin very much then he went to Japan to change his skin to white skin. When he has change his skin already he is very very beautiful like the girl.
But when he change his skin about 3 years he dead because he use a lot of medicine. Every body who love him were pity because before he was a famous person did they had watch he on the TV or on the concert and they can not see Michael Jackson again. So every body in the world were pity when Michael Jackson dead. Now Michael Jackson is died but he still famous everyone still listen to his song.
If I can sing beautiful in my future I want to be a singer like Michael Jackson. I want to do like this because I want to do like Michael Jackson. I listen to Michael Jackson song every day. And the sad song of Michael Jackson sometimes it make me cry. If I am a famous people I have to help the children in Cambodia. And I love Pop stars very much.......................
love Visal
Fruit and plant in Battambang
Cambodia is the agriculture country, many provinces around Tonle Sap Lake are good for growing rice and fruit. Battambang is the one that produce rice, orange, mango, jack fruit, rambutan, Duran, litchi. In 1970 Battambang rice can be fed for the whole country. Now do you want to know how to grow an orange and types of rice? If you want to know I will tell all of you today.
In Battambang the most popular fruit and plant are oranges and rice. So here is the Instruction how to grow an oranges
Things You'll Need:
- Compost Makers
- Fertilizers
- Garden Hoses
- Mulch
- Orange trees
- Shovels
How to grow:
1 Purchase an oranges variety adapted to your area.
2 Plant the trees in a warm, sunny area where the soil drain well.
3 Mulch to conserve water.
4 Water the trees deeply once every midsummer. Waterless often if it rain or if the
weather is cool.
5 Fertilize every four to six weeks from February to August.
6 Protect trees from frost if temperature are forecast to drop below 28 degrees F.
7 Harvest oranges when they taste sweet. Timing will vary by variety and growing area.
The types of rice:
There are 2 major types of rice, INDICA ( long grain) and JAPONICA ( medium and short grain) so well in different environment. Long grain INDICA rice ( BASMAT and JASMINE for example) do well in hot equatorial climates. Medium and Short grain JAPONICA rice grow well in temperate and mountainous region.
Oranges and rice in Battambang provides best taste among other orange and rice in other provinces. The vitamin C in orange is good for health too.
Post by Borey member of group Jewelry
Hi !!!!!! My name LUNE(Mey) I'm in Shack group. and right now I write about the adolescents.
Young people are a great potential resource for the future with fresh energy, idea and hope. They are resilient, energetic and eager to learn. Children and adolescents look to adult for information, support and guidance to become knowledgeable, confident and skilled adults.
In this cause,we refer to ages between 10 and 24 years as adolescent. We use the term
And they alway have LOVE .
The Happy Merry Christmas Day
Christmas day makes the children happy with their gifts from the Santa. On this day every children think that the Santa Cloud gives the gifts to them, but it's wrong. The gifts are buy from their parents.
The Santa is only imagine because there is no more Santa. Everyone are happy on this day because when they go to school, the school will celebrate the party and they can enjoy with their friends to celebrate this holiday at school. And when they go home, every house are celebrate this with a happy time or a nice dinner in the evening.
And for me, I think that this day will come soon in this month and I hope everyone will enjoy this happy holiday. And, I don't have a gift for everyone but I'll pray to god to wish all of my friends in the ACE and YL10 will have a good healthy, good luck all time, successful at work or study. From all members of Boy's Generation@_<
Life in 2050 By Shack

_Use robots to kill aliens.
so the population will increase.
_Take cambodia fish-paste that keep for long years.
Happy Merry Christmas

Kingdom of Cambodia

Cambodia, as the people around the world have known that it was the kingdom of wonder is in the south of, is a country in the Southeast Asia that borders 3 countries: Vietnam, Thailand and Laos. Most of the people in Cambodia are adheres to the Buddhism with 95% of the population people and another 5% of the population people are adheres to Islam, Christianity, Animism and Hinduism. So what is the reason why the 95% of population people are adheres the Buddhism?
Cambodia spans nearly 2000 years, across a number of successive kingdoms and empires. Buddhism entered Cambodia through two different streams. The first steam of Buddhism entered Cambodia by the Funan who married with Lieou Ye the first princess in the kingdom of Cambodia. Another one in later history, a second steam of Buddhism entered Khmer culture during the Angkor empire when Cambodia absorbed the various Buddhist traditions of the Mon kingdoms of Dvaravati and Haripunchai. Buddhism has existed in Cambodia since at least the 5th century CE, with some sources placing its origin as early as the 3rd century BCE. Buddhism has been the Cambodian state religion since the 13th century CE still now (except the Khmer Rouge period) and is currently estimated to be the faith of 95% of the population people.
Thanks for your reading !!!
Jayavarman 7