In 2050 most of every thing will change. Most area of Earth will turn into desert because of Global Warming .The technology will change a lot like robot motor cycle armed with special weapons with speed of 300km per second for wars. A special machine that produce Oxygen for breathing in space. Bullet proof glass in every houses and bullet proof cloths. People have the power to clone human for wars. Robot have skin like human that work at home like cleaning ,washing and go to war like human too . The shortest building is 1 km high and the highest building is 6 km. Weapon shield that protect people and city from any harm weapon. A special robotic armor that give human special powers and special boot that give human the speed of 300km per second.
The transport is also change. Flying cars will built with no wheel, no fuel and armed with weapon and thick armor. The plane will built with no fuel ,4D TV and anti bomb shield and armor. There will be a lot of space ship for people to explore space with weapon shield and special weapon with hot laser and thick armor.
The food is change too. Chemical food flours will sell everywhere in every market. Chemical flour will turn into delicious food when it mixed with water. A chemical medicine that cured all diseases and virus. Every country will be at war because of water and border. The population is lower and lower because of water.
Written by Vitou
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