Many many years ago the earth was a Beautiful and natural planet , Many creature also was born on the earth but hundred years later human was born , the world changes every day .......... and now a day many creature was die the earth natural was destroy even the forest , mines , oxygen , water , you can see how is hot today , the modern technology as iPod iPad Cars Rocket Skyscraper appeared and this is call 2010 . But did u think about the future ? The world end how could people live ? exactly they would travel to other planet as like moon or mars .... All every things now must be change . You can see the technology now a day , So if the technology in 2050 . It's must be more better for example___Now we drive the normal cars but if we live on the moon maybe
we have to drive the space cars , space plane or UFO for the dravel .... The space skyscraper appear , aliens robots humen might work together or in friendship , Robot is pet or servant . Communicate by using technology small laptop . Take medicine for food every day , The educations ducuments will be change___The technology is the most important subject , human have to study about alien biology , life , culture....This is my idea but it's not good enough but thank for the reading.....by SLEMT

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