Hello Everybody , My name is Vorleak . I am 12 years old . Today i want to tell you about thing that we can care the forest and do not let's the forest is gone one by one.........Do you like to care the forest ?Does you even make the trees die ?
Forest is a best thing that we have to care about it because if we do not have forest the weather will change , the animals will die and not have any food to eat , we will have nature in us country . .......
For me i like tree and i want to care it very much . Do you want ? We do not have to cut the tree , put a fire on trees , and take all the trees to sell at another
countruy is not a good one . So we have to care the trees that we have in our country because trees are a place for the animals to live and food for them , we can take it to make a medicin , a house , and order thing that we use for everyday , make a goood weather in our country , make our country to be nice , beauty , good , easy to live when we have trees near us house , and we can get out from the very dangerous thing is a nature.

Yes all of you can cut trees but you can not cut a lot and take all the trees to sell at the another country for get some money it is not a goood thing that y
ou have to do .I know some of you do not want to do it but for your family you have to do it right . You have to cut for a few trees and when you get the money you can make one job to do then you no need to cut the trees all the time .

I know some of you cut trees is your job you have to cut it for everyday and take it to sell but if you cut it you have to plane it back and more than when you cut so the trees it not gone and all of you can cut it and take it to sell more not worry about thing that i tell you before.
Thank you for read my post please follow to read it more.
Written by Vorleak
Girl of Wonder
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ReplyDeleteTeacher, Does it have something wrong in here ?
ReplyDeleteThis was a very good post and I enjoyed reading it. Well done!
ReplyDeleteYou should have written:'not have any food to eat.' Not ' no have any food to eat.' OK? : )