Did you know How many people died in koh Pich ? And what Koh Pich mean ? About 351 people died in Koh Pich and Koh Pich mean " Kill Over Hundred People In Cambodia Holiday '' .
I am so scared when I knew the thing that happened in Koh Pich . My brother has told me but I did not believe and I said " Just one bridge at Koh Pich died a lot of people I do not believe it , you lied me " . But when I turn on the television on number TVK channel the new live about koh pich . When I watched I heard the voice form the the television "Help me ! Help me ! from this I so really hurt please Help me ! "
When I went to slept I has dreamed about Koh Pich . In the morning I waked up I so really scared .
I though when at night may be has ghosts at the bridge of koh Pich and make an accident there too . Some ghost are good and some ghost are bad not all of ghost are good . Some ghost make the people scared them .
Krisna, this is good work.