Monday 1 November 2010

Foreigner meets Cambodia.....

What I believe people know and think about Cambodia ?

Some People and Foreigner around the world have already known that there was a beautiful,great looking temple call Angkor Wat in Cambodia.The Angkor Wat temple is belong to Siem Reap the province of Cambodia that a lot of tourists like to come and visit in our country.Angkor Wat is so important for people in our country along time also now a day especially student now they have learn about this temple because it really important for everybody it have a very good history for us to learn.A lot of people really want to know about Angkor Wat history,so they have to buy a book of it.The place you can relax your body enjoy your free time at the beach at Kom Pong Sam Province.

In Cambodia have a lot of histo
y that some people or foreigner don't k
.Not only our culture or traditional food or What kind of weather in Cambodia?visit
Phnom Penh the capital city in Cambodia.So all of this that is what people wondering about and curious want to know about.But some of the foreigner they know some of our country like they know how to speak Cambodia language
it Khmer a little bit like "Hello"or "Thank You ",they don't know how to speak fluently but they try so it really nice of them.

Some other foreigner they like
come and visit our country because they th

of the weather it was nice not so cold not so hot they might like it.Talk about food they probably think that Camb
odia's food is spicy like Thailand and sour like Vietnam,but we also have our own food like Pro hok this one is Khmer original food some of them mig
ht like and know how to eat some of them surly not.

So all the thing i told you from the top till the bottom are all in my country as you already is Cambodia that we have place to relax to enjoy visit the city try a different food from a different restaurant.Enjoy your happy holiday.
We always welcome whenever you visit.....!

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