Thursday 30 September 2010

The first post

Hi!!! you can call me slemt .I'm 14 year old in fact I'm young so I am a student study at ACE in young learners 10 . I like black and white , basketball , music and drawing rainbow and rain . My favorite place is natural place as the beach water fall because it can make me fell better from my study or from some problem. My hobbies is normal . On Monday to Saturday I go to study at KHMER and English school. But on Sunday I always stay at home because my mom don't allowed me to go out with my friends . So what I did when I stay at home . Of cause I did as another people did , play basketball listen to music drawing watch TV talk phone . I like drawing everyone also like my picture because ...... In the future I want to be a doctor because I can help people and help people health and it's a good job in our social for today and future.....Add Image