In 50 more years in the future the school will be like a wizard school which will in clued the wizard subject on it and every one will learn magic so all the student might get easy to learn .
In the future all the student will no longer use the internet explorer anymore they will use the wizard explorer to replace the internet explorer and the whiteboard will no longer be a whiteboard it will be a 3D touchscreen technology board and the board also including the wizard program and every one can see clearly and they can use their wand to write on it .
The student will use THE 3D touch screen wizard computer to make the project : doing home work ; quiz ; exam ;copy information at home or do some thing else we want to do and if you are doing an exam the computer will know whether the student sheet or not then the computer will copy the in formation to the teacher.
The school location will be on the sky and the school also have a bus to take the student to school but the bus is not just the normal bus it is the wizard bus that can fly in the sky .
The school the news paper are also a wizard news too . it let you see every action on it like a video.
The school service it is easy if we want any thing you just click your fingers then the robot will come to you .
The future school will be similar as Harry Porters movie school and Wizard the movie school.
good Lucky . I like it...........
A wizard bus? How much for one of those- I want one!
ReplyDeleteGood work, Lucky.
The future wizard bus coast 234.2344000000000$.
ReplyDeleteThe future wizard school will coast 2343.346789000000980$ for one semester and if you got a scholarship it will coast only 2339.346789000000700